Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Final Reflections on the 8 criteria

Increased awareness of my own strengths and areas for growth:
I have definitely increased awareness of my own strength in especially in areas such as sports and organising service activities. Taking part in productions such as 'Shanti's Wedding', and really helped me uncover my hidden creativity and has made me aware of what I am capable of, especially underneath the large amount of academic pressure exerted by the IB. I have also been made more aware of areas for growth. This would be in the area of service where perhaps I did not contribute as much as I could have and I still have more to learn in terms of organising fund raisers etc.

Undertaken new challenges:
I have undertaken new challenges such as mountain biking and volunteering to be the master of ceremonies for events such as the talent show and the Oscars 2010. This was also instrumental in helping me achieve the first criterion as it pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me discover a lot about myself. However I was hoping to learn an instruments which I failed to do because of time constraints.

Planned and initiated activities:
I have collaboratively planned and initiated activities such as the climbing of Adam's Peak with a group of friends as well as planning activities for the cricket electives. Pro activeness was not one of my initial strengths thus this has helped me develop this strength.

Worked collaboratively with others:
As mentioned before I worked collaboratively with Ruwinda in the cricket elective and with my friends in organising the trip to Adam's Peak. I have also worked collaboratively with others in coordinating and organising service fund raisers which was a new experience for me.

Perseverance and Commitment:
I have definitely shown perseverance and commitment in terms of sports such as football and tennis and have been rewarded for this, and for the cricket elective. However for the service actives activities I perhaps should have shown more perseverance for my service activities as I changed my service activity midway and despite contributing greatly towards certain events did not contribute as much as I should have.

Engaged with issues of global importance:
Habitat for Humanity helped me engage with the issue of human displacement, and the cancer hospital's children's ward helped me engage with the issue of helping those, especially children who were less fortunate then ourselves having to deal with diseases such as cancer. Going to Hambantota and painting a nursery school that had been built by the school also revealed to me the issue of the less fortunate acquiring an education.

Ethical implications of my actions:
Even small simple activities such as playing tennis with a ball boy had ethical implications to it. Ball boys have to make a living by picking up tennis balls and thus by paying one to play matches with me I have confronted an ethical issue and we both gained immensely.

New skills:
I have developed a large amount of skills especially in terms of sports. However I have also developed in terms of managing my time, being pro active, being organised, and being creative. I I have become a much more rounded person with a more broader set of skills and I now feel much more confident to undertake new challenges in any field.

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