Monday, May 4, 2009

For SAISA football we have been enagaged in numourous matches against various schools and clubs. I think I have managed to get over my match nervousness, and was performing with a bit more confidence. As well as that my technical and match skills have improved immensly thanks to the various exercises we have done

One of the highlights of this month was the Week Without Walls trip to Hambantota on the 19th. It was a great experience, both to acknowledge the desperate situation of the children and the teacher, and in terms of team and skills building. The trip lasted one, we only visited the school on three of those days. The class was split into two groups, both going to different schools. Our group went to a school that had never been visited before, therefore, some of the kids, whose age group was between 4 and 5, weren't particularly welcoming. However, with continueous organised cricket games and a bit of patience we managed to gain some popularity amongst this small community.

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