Thursday, May 28, 2009

WWW Ctd...
Our task was to repain the whole school and its furniture. We split into groups, with assigned to particular parts of the school. I was part of the group with the most tedious job of painting the grills. However with persistance, shifts and help from the locals we managed to finish it with in about three days. It was nice to see children and adults alike enjoying the benefits that were produced by us. It taught us what a difference such a small action could achieve.

Monday, May 4, 2009

For SAISA football we have been enagaged in numourous matches against various schools and clubs. I think I have managed to get over my match nervousness, and was performing with a bit more confidence. As well as that my technical and match skills have improved immensly thanks to the various exercises we have done

One of the highlights of this month was the Week Without Walls trip to Hambantota on the 19th. It was a great experience, both to acknowledge the desperate situation of the children and the teacher, and in terms of team and skills building. The trip lasted one, we only visited the school on three of those days. The class was split into two groups, both going to different schools. Our group went to a school that had never been visited before, therefore, some of the kids, whose age group was between 4 and 5, weren't particularly welcoming. However, with continueous organised cricket games and a bit of patience we managed to gain some popularity amongst this small community.


This month on the 8th me and my friends organised a trip to climb Adam's Peak. We had to do this on our own, organising food, accomodation, transport, and clothing. It was a great opportunity to develop organisation skills, and coordinating efforts with a group of friends who normally didn't cooperate. In the end most things went according to plan apart from our sleeping arrangements, for which we found ourselves sleeping on the floor in the cold. The climb itself was physically challenging, and at one point we had to virtually carry one member of the group as he had collapsed. Again, we had to work as a team to get him up the mountain, although a few encouraging (or threatening) word helped him along the way. It was very satisfying to have breakfast on top.