Friday, February 13, 2009

November Ctd...

TAPS: On the 22nd of November I ventured out of the country, and out of my comfort zone, to Bangkok to attend the ISTA TAPS Theatre arts workshop at the Rumrudee International School. I was initially a bit nervous as I was certain that, being a drama workshop, they would make us do things that would be embarassing o0r out of the ordinary. My objectives were to improve certain theatrical skills such as improvisation, movement and to increase my knowledge of theatre practitioners. We were not the only schools to participate, so when we arrived there evryone was split into groups containing a mixture of students from different schools. This was initially frightening for me I am generally shy. The activities conducted in each group included games, physical activities, master classes, visits to productions and analysis, and producing plays ourselves. In the end, it was a lot of fun, and was very useful for me personally as I learnt a lot:
1. I developed the ability to encorporate different theatre and practitioner styles into performance.
2. I took more risks
3. Learnt how to improvise without thinking
4. Learnt how to analyse productions
5. Developed coordination and trust with the ensemble
6. Learnt how to think out of the box
7. Improved my socialising skills after interacting with the other students.

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